
  • To use our api you must have a service with static ip address.
  • You must need to configure our callback url in your system.
  • You will be provided token after login , You will need to pass that token in each api.
  • Do not implement directly production api in your system , First test with sanbox system then go with production api.
  • In api document we use # for variable , for example if there is any variable like #BASEURL it means this variable need to be replace according to your need.



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
Accept string Header Required application/json
Content-Type string Header Required application/json
RAW_BODY json RAW_BODY Required Data which is required for make tranaction will be passed in POST method in JSON format.

Mobile/ DTH API

Prepaid Mobile and DTH Recharges of all service and Bill Payments for all Postpaid providers in India.



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your service side tracking id which you need to pass every time unique . This data will help you with matching your transaction details with our server
operatorId string RAW_BODY Required You will get list of operator from Utility Api section .
mobile string RAW_BODY Required You need to pass mobile number or dth number depends on transaction type.
amount string RAW_BODY Required Pass recharge amount in this field like 10,20 etc.
cbId string RAW_BODY Optional Pass your callback id value here which you have added in dashboard.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
orderId string This is our server side order id against your #urid value , Save this value for transaction status tracking.
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/PENDING/FAILED . In case if you don't get any value (Mainly because of timeout between your server and our server) then save your transaction as pending. Later use status check api to confirm your transaction status
mobile string This value come from #mobile value you have passed in api .
amount string This is the transaction amount.
transId string This is operator side transaction id.
error_code string You do not need to save this thing as it required when there is issue with api . This value is for our internal purpose only.
service string This is operator name .
bal string Your final balance after transaction . Please save this value if its greater than 0 only.
creditUsed string This is amount which was debited from your account.
resText string In case if you face any error you will get this value.
gstMode string This value you will get when your transaction status is SUCCESS.
tdsAmount string Amount of tds deducted from your commission. This will be paid to your PAN number

                "data": {
                  "orderId": "1210708",
                  "status": "PENDING",
                  "mobile": "9000000000",
                  "amount": "100",
                  "transId": "",
                  "error_code": "201",
                  "service": "Airtel",
                  "bal": "98462.0000",
                  "creditUsed": "98.0000",
                  "resText": "",
                  "tdsAmount": "0.11",
                  "gstMode": ""


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","operatorId":"1","amount":"100.00","mobile":"9000000000","urid":"5546523"}' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxxxx","operatorId":"1","amount":"100.00","mobile":"9000000000","urid":"60c60b5d0b687"}';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"1\",\"amount\":\"100.00\",\"mobile\":\"9000000000\",\"urid\":\"5546523\"}";

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"1\",\"amount\":\"100.00\",\"mobile\":\"9000000000\",\"urid\":\"5546523\"}";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Send Otp For Pan Agent Registration




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
outletMobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass 10 digit outlet mobile number

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED . If value is SUCCESS it means otp successfully sent to customer mobile number

  "data": {
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "outletMobile": "9006xxxxxx",
    "resText": ""


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/sendOtp.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx"} ' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/sendOtp.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx"} ';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/sendOtp.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxxx\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/sendOtp.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxx\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Pan Agent Registration With Otp




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
outletMobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass 10 digit outlet mobile number
otp string RAW_BODY Required You will need to send otp from Send Otp api
ownerName string RAW_BODY Required Outlet ownner name , Only Apha and Space are allowed
shopName string RAW_BODY Required Outlet name , Only Apha and Space are allowed
shopAddress string RAW_BODY Required Address of shop
areaPincode string RAW_BODY Required 6 digit area pincode of shop
email string RAW_BODY Required Email id of shop owner
pan string RAW_BODY Required Pan Number of shop owner
dob string RAW_BODY Required Date of Birth of shop owner (YYYY-MM-DD). For example 2021-12-31
aadhaar string RAW_BODY Required 12 digit aadhaar number of shop owner

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is FAILED/PENDING . If value is PENDING it means psa agent registration successfully submitted . If it gets FAILED you will need to check resText value for error.

  "data": {
    "orderId": "176193xxxx",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "mobile": "9006xxxxx",
    "amount": "1",
    "transId": "",
    "error_code": "201",
    "service": "Pan Agent",
    "bal": "1174.5200",
    "creditUsed": "1.0000",
    "resText": "",
    "gstMode": "P2P",
    "tdsAmount": "0"


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/registerPsa.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx","otp":"61238","ownerName":"Abcd Kumar","shopName":"abcd recharge","shopAddress":"hhd shhfgs sjwjw","areaPincode":"82xxxx","email":"abcd@gmail.com","pan":"BWTPKxxxxM","dob":"1991-01-01","aadhaar":"123412341234"}' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/registerPsa.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx","otp":"61238","ownerName":"Abcd Kumar","shopName":"abcd recharge","shopAddress":"hhd shhfgs sjwjw","areaPincode":"82xxxx","email":"abcd@gmail.com","pan":"BWTPKxxxxM","dob":"1991-01-01","aadhaar":"123412341234"}';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/registerPsa.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxx\",\"otp\":\"61238\",\"ownerName\":\"Abcd Kumar\",\"shopName\":\"abcd recharge\",\"shopAddress\":\"hhd shhfgs sjwjw\",\"areaPincode\":\"82xxxx\",\"email\":\"abcd@gmail.com\",\"pan\":\"BWTPKxxxxM\",\"dob\":\"1991-01-01\",\"aadhaar\":\"123412341234\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/registerPsa.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxx\",\"otp\":\"61238\",\"ownerName\":\"Abcd Kumar\",\"shopName\":\"abcd recharge\",\"shopAddress\":\"hhd shhfgs sjwjw\",\"areaPincode\":\"82xxxx\",\"email\":\"abcd@gmail.com\",\"pan\":\"BWTPKxxxxM\",\"dob\":\"1991-01-01\",\"aadhaar\":\"123412341234\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Chekc Status Of Pan Agent Registration




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
outletMobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass 10 digit outlet mobile number

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is APPROVED/PENDING/FAILED .

  "data": {
    "status": "SUCCESSS",
    "outletMobile": "9006xxxxxx",
    "psaId": "RHCGxxxxx",
    "resText": ""


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/psaStatus.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx"} ' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/psaStatus.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx"} ';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/psaStatus.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxxx\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/psaStatus.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxx\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Buy Pan Coupon

Minimum 2 coupon allowed to purchase



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your service side tracking id which you need to pass every time unique . This data will help you with matching your transaction details with our server
operatorId 170 RAW_BODY Required
psaId string RAW_BODY Required You need to pass uti psa agent id here .
amount string RAW_BODY Required Pass amount here , This amount will be credited to agent account .

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
orderId string This is our server side order id against your #urid value , Save this value for transaction status tracking.
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/PENDING/FAILED . In case if you don't get any value (Mainly because of timeout between your server and our server) then save your transaction as pending. Later use status check api to confirm your transaction status
mobile string This value come from #mobile value you have passed in api .
amount string This is the transaction amount.
transId string This is operator side transaction id.
error_code string You do not need to save this thing as it required when there is issue with api . This value is for our internal purpose only.
service string This is operator name .
bal string Your final balance after transaction . Please save this value if its greater than 0 only.
creditUsed string This is amount which was debited from your account.
resText string In case if you face any error you will get this value.
gstMode string This value you will get when your transaction status is SUCCESS.
tdsAmount string Amount of tds deducted from your commission. This will be paid to your PAN number

  "data": {
    "orderId": "17617xxxxx",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "mobile": "SUDIP8xxxx",
    "amount": "214",
    "transId": "",
    "error_code": "201",
    "service": "Pan Coupon",
    "bal": "1398.6100",
    "creditUsed": "194.9500",
    "resText": "",
    "gstMode": "P2P",
    "tdsAmount": "0.95"


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","operatorId":"170","psaId":"SUDIP8xxxxx","urid":"6143478","quantity":"2"} ' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","operatorId":"170","psaId":"SUDIP8xxxxx","urid":"6143478","quantity":"2"} ';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"170\",\"psaId\":\"SUDIP8xxxxx\",\"urid\":\"6143478\",\"quantity\":\"2\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"170\",\"psaId\":\"SUDIP8xxxxx\",\"urid\":\"6143478\",\"quantity\":\"2\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Reset Password Of Pan Agent




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
psaId string RAW_BODY Required Pass psaId here

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is PENDING/FAILED .

  "data": {
    "status": "PENDING",
    "psaId": "RHCGxxxxx",
    "resText": "Password Reset Accepted . It will be reset same as your username within next 4 working hr ."


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/resetPassword.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","psaId":"RHCGxxxxx"} ' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/resetPassword.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","psaId":"RHCGxxxxx"} ';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/resetPassword.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxxx\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/resetPassword.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"psaId\":\"RHCGxxxxx\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Resend Pan Agent Registration Code




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
psaId string RAW_BODY Required Pass psaId here

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is PENDING/FAILED/SUCCESS . In case of status value is success you will also receive otp value in response
otp string In case of status value is success you will also receive otp value in response. Use this otp in registration code

  "data": {
    "status": "PENDING",
    "psaId": "RHCGxxxxx",
    "resText": "Request accepted , Wait for 4 working hour ."


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/resendRegistrationOtp.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","psaId":"RHCGxxxxx"} ' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/resendRegistrationOtp.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","psaId":"RHCGxxxxx"} ';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/resendRegistrationOtp.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxxx\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/psa/resendRegistrationOtp.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"psaId\":\"RHCGxxxxx\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


AEPS Bank List

This API returns the list of all banks in India along with other values like IFSC, IIN, available modes, services and uptime.
Account Parameter is optional. If you pass account number, system will generate random IFSC codes for few banks based on intelligent algorithm and in some case if bank doesn’t have central IFSC generation criteria or algorithm then customer need to enter valid IFSC for the transaction which is sent at time of transaction to bank
We recommend you use List of Banks and its data to avoid unforeseen circumstances.
In case any transaction happens with invalid or wrong IFSC, transaction may go to wrong beneficiary since we do not filter and pass as-it-is to bank.



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED .
bankList array Here you will get list of bank for AEPS transaction , You will need to pass this id in other aeps api .

                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "resText": "",
                "bankList": [
                  "bankName": "STATE BANK OF INDIA",
                  "bankId": "607094",
                  "sortName": "SBI"
                  "bankName": "PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK",
                  "bankId": "607027",
                  "sortName": "PNB"
                  "bankName": "BANK OF BARODA",
                  "bankId": "606985",
                  "sortName": "BOB"
                  "bankName": "BANK OF INDIA",
                  "bankId": "508505",
                  "sortName": "BOI"
                }, ...................


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/aeps/bankList.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \

                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/aeps/bankList.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/aeps/bankList.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());


                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/aeps/bankList.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();



AEPS Mini-Statement

This API is used to fetch Bank C/A statement



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your service side tracking id which you need to pass every time unique . This data will help you with matching your transaction details with our server
operatorId string RAW_BODY Required You will get list of operator from Utility Api section .
bankId string RAW_BODY Required You will get list of bank id from Aeps Bank List section .
customerMobile string RAW_BODY Required 10 digit customer mobile . Its not mandatory to give aadhaar linked mobile number
outletMobile string RAW_BODY Required 10 digit outlet or agent mobile number with mini kyc approved . Please use Outlet Kyc api to register agent.
aadhaarNumber string RAW_BODY Required 12 digit valid aadhaar number of customer
deviceResponse string RAW_BODY Required It is the response of device when you will get after customer scan finger on device . This data must be encoded in base64 format.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
orderId string This is our server side order id against your urid value , Save this value for transaction status tracking.
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/PENDING/FAILED . In case if you don't get any value (Mainly because of timeout between your server and our server) then save your transaction as pending. Later use status check api to confirm your transaction status
mobile string This is the value of aadhaar number which you have passed .
amount string You will always get this 0 as amount value was not required in this field
transId string This is bank side transaction id.
error_code string You do not need to save this thing as it required when there is issue with api . This value is for our internal purpose only.
service string This is service name .
bal string This will always come empty so please do not save this data.
creditUsed string This is amount which was debited from your account.
resText string In case if you face any error you will get this value.
gstMode string This value you will get when your transaction status is SUCCESS. Update this in your system when its value is not empty
miniStatement string This is list of ministatement returned from bank side.
bankBal string This is customer bank balance returned from bank side.

                "data": {
                  "orderId": "1219579",
                  "status": "SUCCESS",
                  "mobile": "336547xxxxxx",
                  "amount": "0",
                  "transId": "123456789",
                  "error_code": "201",
                  "service": "AEPS Ministatement",
                  "bal": "",
                  "creditUsed": "0.0000",
                  "resText": "Transaction Successful",
                  "gstMode": "",
                  "miniStatement": [
                    "description": "CBSD0325657302",
                    "amount": "1000.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "12/06",
                    "txnType": "CR"
                    "description": "CBSW0634941000",
                    "amount": "3330.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "07/06",
                    "txnType": "DR"
                    "description": "CBSD0300594260",
                    "amount": "3000.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "07/06",
                    "txnType": "CR"
                    "description": "CBSD0184199484",
                    "amount": "400.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "02/06",
                    "txnType": "CR"
                    "description": "CBSW0320842000",
                    "amount": "2425.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "01/06",
                    "txnType": "DR"
                    "description": "CBSW0919561333",
                    "amount": "9.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "31/05",
                    "txnType": "DR"
                    "description": "CBSW0919561333",
                    "amount": "50.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "31/05",
                    "txnType": "DR"
                    "description": "INTD0919561333",
                    "amount": "2.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "31/05",
                    "txnType": "CR"
                    "description": "CBSD0271660824",
                    "amount": "2500.00",
                    "balance": "",
                    "date": "31/05",
                    "txnType": "CR"
                  "bankBal": "10000.56"


              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","operatorId":"235","amount":"","mobile":"","urid":"5546523abc","bankId":"1","customerMobile":"900121xxxx","outletMobile":"954516xxxx","aadhaarNumber":"336547xxxxxx","deviceResponse":"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyI/PjxQaWREYXRhPiAgID.........."}' \


              $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

              $curl = curl_init($url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

              $headers = array(
              "accept: application/json",
              "content-type: application/json",
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

              $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","operatorId":"235","amount":"","mobile":"","urid":"5546523abc","bankId":"1","customerMobile":"900121xxxx","outletMobile":"954516xxxx","aadhaarNumber":"336547xxxxxx","deviceResponse":"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyI/PjxQaWREYXRhPiAgID.........."}';

              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

              //for debug only!
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

              $resp = curl_exec($curl);


              URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
              HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
              http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
              http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

              String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"235\",\"amount\":\"\",\"mobile\":\"\",\"urid\":\"5546523abc\",\"bankId\":\"1\",\"customerMobile\":\"900121xxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"954516xxxx\",\"aadhaarNumber\":\"336547xxxxxx\",\"deviceResponse\":\"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyI/PjxQaWREYXRhPiAgID..........\"}";

              byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);


              var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

              var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
              httpRequest.Method = "POST";

              httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
              httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

              var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"235\",\"amount\":\"\",\"mobile\":\"\",\"urid\":\"5546523abc\",\"bankId\":\"1\",\"customerMobile\":\"900121xxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"954516xxxx\",\"aadhaarNumber\":\"336547xxxxxx\",\"deviceResponse\":\"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyI/PjxQaWREYXRhPiAgID..........\"}";

              using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

              var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
              using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


AEPS Withdrawal

This API returns AEPS Withdrawals



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your service side tracking id which you need to pass every time unique . This data will help you with matching your transaction details with our server
operatorId string RAW_BODY Required You will get list of operator from Utility Api section .
bankId string RAW_BODY Required You will get list of bank id from Aeps Bank List section .
customerMobile string RAW_BODY Required 10 digit customer mobile . Its not mandatory to give aadhaar linked mobile number
outletMobile string RAW_BODY Required 10 digit outlet or agent mobile number with mini kyc approved . Please use Outlet Kyc api to register agent.
aadhaarNumber string RAW_BODY Required 12 digit valid aadhaar number of customer
deviceResponse string RAW_BODY Required It is the response of device when you will get after customer scan finger on device . This data must be encoded in base64 format.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
orderId string This is our server side order id against your urid value , Save this value for transaction status tracking.
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/PENDING/FAILED . In case if you don't get any value (Mainly because of timeout between your server and our server) then save your transaction as pending. Later use status check api to confirm your transaction status
mobile string This is the value of aadhaar number which you have passed .
amount string You will always get this 0 as amount value was not required in this field
transId string This is bank side transaction id.
error_code string You do not need to save this thing as it required when there is issue with api . This value is for our internal purpose only.
service string This is service name .
bal string This will always come empty so please do not save this data.
creditUsed string This is amount which was debited from your account.
resText string In case if you face any error you will get this value.
gstMode string This value you will get when your transaction status is SUCCESS. Update this in your system when its value is not empty
miniStatement string This is list of ministatement returned from bank side.
bankBal string This is customer bank balance returned from bank side.

                "data": {
                  "orderId": "1219579",
                  "status": "PENDING",
                  "mobile": "336547xxxxxx",
                  "amount": "0",
                  "transId": "123456789",
                  "error_code": "201",
                  "service": "AEPS Withdrawal",
                  "bal": "",
                  "creditUsed": "0.0000",
                  "resText": "Transaction Successful",
                  "gstMode": "",
                  "bankBal": "10000.56"


              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","operatorId":"234","amount":"100","urid":"5546523abc","bankId":"1","customerMobile":"900121xxxx","outletMobile":"954516xxxx","aadhaarNumber":"336547xxxxxx","deviceResponse":"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyI/PjxQaWREYXRhPiAgID.........."}' \


              $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

              $curl = curl_init($url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

              $headers = array(
              "accept: application/json",
              "content-type: application/json",
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

              $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","operatorId":"234","amount":"100","urid":"5546523abc","bankId":"1","customerMobile":"900121xxxx","outletMobile":"954516xxxx","aadhaarNumber":"336547xxxxxx","deviceResponse":"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyI/PjxQaWREYXRhPiAgID.........."}';

              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

              //for debug only!
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

              $resp = curl_exec($curl);


              URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
              HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
              http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
              http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

              String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"234\",\"amount\":\"100\",\"mobile\":\"\",\"urid\":\"5546523abc\",\"bankId\":\"1\",\"customerMobile\":\"900121xxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"954516xxxx\",\"aadhaarNumber\":\"336547xxxxxx\",\"deviceResponse\":\"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyI/PjxQaWREYXRhPiAgID..........\"}";

              byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

              var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

              var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
              httpRequest.Method = "POST";

              httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
              httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

              var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"234\",\"amount\":\"100\",\"mobile\":\"\",\"urid\":\"5546523abc\",\"bankId\":\"1\",\"customerMobile\":\"900121xxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"954516xxxx\",\"aadhaarNumber\":\"336547xxxxxx\",\"deviceResponse\":\"PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiIHN0YW5kYWxvbmU9InllcyI/PjxQaWREYXRhPiAgID..........\"}";

              using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

              var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
              using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Coming Soon

Transaction Status

This API returns Transaction Status
  • Please use this api only if required , Do not send 1 request per second or this api can be disabled for your account. Instead of this please use callback method.



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your website tracking id which you had passed at the time of transaction.
orderId string RAW_BODY Required This is our website order id which you will get at the time of transaction response.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED . Do not make your transaction success or failed from this value .
data array Here you will get details of your transaction .
resText string If you get value No such order found or transaction archived within 1 hr of your transaction time then you can update your transaction as failed.

                "data": [
                  "orderId": "172300",
                  "urid": "60b5f24378fc3",
                  "operatorId": "1",
                  "creditused": "10.0000",
                  "status": "SUCCESS",
                  "mobile": "5962823782",
                  "amount": "10.00",
                  "TransId": "",
                  "transTime": "2021-06-01 14:09:31",
                  "gstMode": "",
                  "remark": ""
                "resText": "",
                "status": "SUCCESS"

              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/transactionStatus.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","orderId":"172300"}' \


              $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/transactionStatus.php";

              $curl = curl_init($url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

              $headers = array(
              "accept: application/json",
              "content-type: application/json",
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

              $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx","orderId":"172300"}';

              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

              //for debug only!
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

              $resp = curl_exec($curl);


              URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/transactionStatus.php");
              HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
              http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
              http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

              String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"orderId\":\"172300\"}";

              byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

              OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

              System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());


              var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/transactionStatus.php";

              var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
              httpRequest.Method = "POST";

              httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
              httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

              var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"orderId\":\"172300\"}";

              using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

              var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
              using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Balance API

This API returns Balance Status



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
balance string You will get balance here.

                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "balance": "1378793.38",
                "resText": ""

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/balance.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/balance.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/balance.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/balance.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Last 50 Transaction

This API returns Last 50 Transaction Status



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
history array You will get list of history here.

                "status": "SUCCESS",
                "history": [
                  "orderId": "175832xxxx",
                  "urid": "5842341",
                  "operatorId": "1",
                  "creditused": "244.0200",
                  "status": "SUCCESS",
                  "mobile": "767697xxxx",
                  "amount": "249.00",
                  "TransId": "1408119518",
                  "transTime": "2021-06-28 16:37:45",
                  "gstMode": "P2P",
                  "remark": ""
                  "orderId": "175832xxxx",
                  "urid": "5842343",
                  "operatorId": "93",
                  "creditused": "193.0300",
                  "status": "SUCCESS",
                  "mobile": "829975xxxx",
                  "amount": "199.00",
                  "TransId": "BR0006AZXUMW",
                  "transTime": "2021-06-28 16:37:59",
                  "gstMode": "P2P",
                  "remark": ""
                "resText": ""

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/last50transaction.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/last50transaction.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/last50transaction.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/last50transaction.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Operator List

This API returns Operator List



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
operatorList array You will get list of operator here.

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/operatorList.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/operatorList.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/operatorList.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/operatorList.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Dispute Api

This API will be used for dispute , If transaction is successfull and customer not received credit then use this api .



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
orderId string RAW_BODY Required This is our website order id which you will get at the time of transaction response.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED . If value is SUCCESS it means transaction successfully disputed .

                  "orderId": "172300",
                  "status": "SUCCESS",
                "resText": ""

              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/dispute.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","orderId":"172300"}' \


              $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/dispute.php";

              $curl = curl_init($url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

              $headers = array(
              "accept: application/json",
              "content-type: application/json",
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

              $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx","orderId":"172300"}';

              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

              //for debug only!
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

              $resp = curl_exec($curl);


              URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/dispute.php");
              HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
              http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
              http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

              String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"orderId\":\"172300\"}";

              byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

              OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

              System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());


              var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/dispute.php";

              var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
              httpRequest.Method = "POST";

              httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
              httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

              var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"orderId\":\"172300\"}";

              using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

              var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
              using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Operator List

This API returns State List



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
stateList array You will get list of state here.

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/stateList.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/stateList.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/stateList.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/stateList.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Mobile Plan Finder

This API returns Prepaid Operator Plan List
  • Please use this api once in a day only and save result in your local database.
  • This result is not live with operator.
  • We update plan data in every 3 days interval.
  • This api does not show user special plan Hence you must need allow user to edit amount in your system.



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
operatorId string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from Utility Api -> Operator List.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
plan array You will get list of plan here.

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/mobilePlan.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","operatorId":"1"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/mobilePlan.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx","operatorId":"1"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/mobilePlan.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"1\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/mobilePlan.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"1\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Mobile Details Finder

This API returns Details Of Mobile
  • Please use this api once in a day only and save result in your local database.
  • This result is not live with operator.
  • We update plan data in every 3 days interval.
  • This api does not show accurate operator hence it should be used as suggestion only.



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
dataList array You will get list of mobile sort code here . You can check mobile details by first 4 digit of mobile number

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/mobileDetails.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/mobileDetails.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/mobileDetails.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/utility/mobileDetails.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Bank Account Verification

This API returns Bank account name using ifsc code and account number. This will only work with those bank who support IMPS



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your website tracking id which you had passed at the time of transaction.
customerMobile string RAW_BODY Required This is customer mobile number.
operatorId string RAW_BODY Required Pass 233 as its value
accountNumber string RAW_BODY Required Pass Bank Account Number
ifscCode string RAW_BODY Required Pass Bank Ifsc Code

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
data array Here you will get details of your transaction .

  "data": {
    "orderId": "248189xxxx",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "mobile": "787449xxxx",
    "amount": "3",
    "transId": "2069096xxxxx",
    "beneficiaryName": "Mr Raj",
    "error_code": "201",
    "service": "Beneficiary Validation",
    "bal": "1098xxxx",
    "creditUsed": "xxxxx",
    "resText": "Transaction Successful",
    "gstMode": "P2P",
    "tdsAmount": "0.00"

              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","urid":"xxxxxx","operatorId":"233","ifscCode":"SBIN00xxxxx","accountNumber":"395870xxxxxxx","customerMobile":"787449xxxx"}' \


              $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

              $curl = curl_init($url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

              $headers = array(
              "accept: application/json",
              "content-type: application/json",
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

              $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","urid":"xxxxxx","operatorId":"233","ifscCode":"SBIN00xxxxx","accountNumber":"395870xxxxxxx","customerMobile":"787449xxxx"}';

              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

              //for debug only!
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
              curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

              $resp = curl_exec($curl);


              URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
              HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
              http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
              http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

              String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"urid\":\"xxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"233\",\"ifscCode\":\"SBIN00xxxxx\",\"accountNumber\":\"395870xxxxxxx\",\"customerMobile\":\"787449xxxx\"}";

              byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

              OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

              System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());


              var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

              var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
              httpRequest.Method = "POST";

              httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
              httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

              var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"urid\":\"xxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"233\",\"ifscCode\":\"SBIN00xxxxx\",\"accountNumber\":\"395870xxxxxxx\",\"customerMobile\":\"787449xxxx\"}";

              using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

              var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
              using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Send Otp For Mini-Kyc For Shop (Outlet)




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
outletMobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass 10 digit outlet mobile number

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED . If value is SUCCESS it means otp successfully sent to customer mobile number

  "data": {
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "outletMobile": "9006xxxxxx",
    "resText": ""


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/sendOtp.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx"} ' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/sendOtp.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx"} ';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/sendOtp.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxxx\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/sendOtp.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxx\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Registration Of Mini-Kyc For Shop (Outlet)




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
outletMobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass 10 digit outlet mobile number
otp string RAW_BODY Required You will need to send otp from Send Otp api
ownerName string RAW_BODY Required Outlet ownner name , Only Apha and Space are allowed
shopName string RAW_BODY Required Outlet name , Only Apha and Space are allowed
shopAddress string RAW_BODY Required Address of shop
areaPincode string RAW_BODY Required 6 digit area pincode of shop
email string RAW_BODY Required Email id of shop owner
pan string RAW_BODY Required Pan Number of shop owner
dob string RAW_BODY Required Date of Birth of shop owner (YYYY-MM-DD). For example 2021-12-31
aadhaar string RAW_BODY Required 12 digit aadhaar number of shop owner

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED/PENDING . If value is SUCCESS it means mini kyc is successfully done for outlet . If it gets PENDING you will need to send required document.

  "data": {
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "outletMobile": "9006xxxxxx",
    "resText": "Kyc Approved . Keep Document of agent with yourself"


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/registerOutlet.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx","otp":"61238","ownerName":"Abcd Kumar","shopName":"abcd recharge","shopAddress":"hhd shhfgs sjwjw","areaPincode":"82xxxx","email":"abcd@gmail.com","pan":"BWTPKxxxxM","dob":"1991-01-01","aadhaar":"123412341234"}' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/registerOutlet.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx","otp":"61238","ownerName":"Abcd Kumar","shopName":"abcd recharge","shopAddress":"hhd shhfgs sjwjw","areaPincode":"82xxxx","email":"abcd@gmail.com","pan":"BWTPKxxxxM","dob":"1991-01-01","aadhaar":"123412341234"}';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/registerOutlet.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxx\",\"otp\":\"61238\",\"ownerName\":\"Abcd Kumar\",\"shopName\":\"abcd recharge\",\"shopAddress\":\"hhd shhfgs sjwjw\",\"areaPincode\":\"82xxxx\",\"email\":\"abcd@gmail.com\",\"pan\":\"BWTPKxxxxM\",\"dob\":\"1991-01-01\",\"aadhaar\":\"123412341234\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/registerOutlet.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxx\",\"otp\":\"61238\",\"ownerName\":\"Abcd Kumar\",\"shopName\":\"abcd recharge\",\"shopAddress\":\"hhd shhfgs sjwjw\",\"areaPincode\":\"82xxxx\",\"email\":\"abcd@gmail.com\",\"pan\":\"BWTPKxxxxM\",\"dob\":\"1991-01-01\",\"aadhaar\":\"123412341234\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Chekc Status Of Outlet




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
outletMobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass 10 digit outlet mobile number

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESSS/PENDING/FAILED .

  "data": {
    "status": "SUCCESSS",
    "outletMobile": "9006xxxxxx",
    "resText": ""


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/outletStatus.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx"} ' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/outletStatus.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxx","outletMobile":"9006xxxxxxx"} ';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/outletStatus.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxxx\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/outlet/outletStatus.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"outletMobile\":\"9006xxxxxxx\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Send Sms




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account . You will need to use smstoken value only
smsType trans RAW_BODY Required As of now we only providing transaction sms service
senderId string RAW_BODY Required 6 character sender id which is approved by DLT system
dltTemplateId string RAW_BODY Required You will get this value from your DLT portal , Each approved sms having unique DLT Template Id
entityId string RAW_BODY Required You will get this value from your DLT portal
message string RAW_BODY Required Maximum 340 character allowed to send sms
otp string RAW_BODY Optional If you do not have dlt approved template and sender id then in case of Otp sms you can pass otp here . We will send it from our dlt approved template
remark string RAW_BODY Optional Its required when you pass otp value . Upto 20 character are allowed.
urid string RAW_BODY Required Your website unique tracking id . It will be used to check delivery status of sms

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is PENDING/FAILED .

  "data": {
    "status": "PENDING",
    "orderId": "176203xxxx",
    "resText": "",
    "creditUsed": "1",
    "balance": "127"


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/sms/sendSms.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxxxxx","smsType":"trans","senderId":"ABCDEF","dltTemplateId":"1307162601908xxxxxx","entityId":"xxxxxxxxxxx","mobile":"94392xxxxx","message":"Your otp for login is - 51856 . Abcd","urid":"60efe71c35209"}' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/sms/sendSms.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxxxxx","smsType":"trans","senderId":"ABCDEF","dltTemplateId":"1307162601908xxxxxx","entityId":"xxxxxxxxxxx","mobile":"94392xxxxx","message":"Your otp for login is - 51856 . Abcd","urid":"60efe71c35209"} ';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/sms/sendSms.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{"\token"\:"\xxxxxxxxxxx"\,"\smsType"\:"\trans"\,"\senderId"\:"\ABCDEF"\,"\dltTemplateId"\:"\1307162601908xxxxxx"\,\"entityId\":\"xxxxxxxxxxx\","\mobile"\:"\94392xxxxx"\,"\message"\:"\Your otp for login is - 51856 . Abcd"\,"\urid"\:"\60efe71c35209"\}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/sms/sendSms.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{"\token"\:"\xxxxxxxxxxx"\,"\smsType"\:"\trans"\,"\senderId"\:"\ABCDEF"\,"\dltTemplateId"\:"\1307162601908xxxxxx"\,\"entityId\":\"xxxxxxxxxxx\","\mobile"\:"\94392xxxxx"\,"\message"\:"\Your otp for login is - 51856 . Abcd"\,"\urid"\:"\60efe71c35209"\}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Bus Stops

This API returns Bus Stops



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
data array You will list of bus stop here with its id value which you will need to pass in bus list api .

  "data": [
      "sourceId": "1",
      "stopName": "Hyderabad"
      "sourceId": "2",
      "stopName": "Delhi"
      "sourceId": "3",
      "stopName": "Avinashi"
      "sourceId": "4",
      "stopName": "Chennai"
      "sourceId": "5",
      "stopName": "Aurangabad"
      "sourceId": "6",
      "stopName": "Surat"
      "sourceId": "7",
      "stopName": "Ernakulam"

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/bus/busStops.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/busStops.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/busStops.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/busStops.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Bus List

This API returns List Of Bus Api



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
sourceId string RAW_BODY Required Source Id of bus , This value you will get from Bus Stops Api
destinationId string RAW_BODY Required DestinationId Id of bus , This value you will get from Bus Stops Api
journyDate string RAW_BODY Required Pass journey date here in format of YYYY-MM-DD. For eg 2021-02-28 Api

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
busList array You will list of bus list here .
amenities string Amenities provided by bus .
commission string This is estimated commission you will get when you book seat , However exact commission you will get on Seat Layout api .
busId string This value will be required to book seat.
bpId string This value will be required to book seat.
dpId string This value will be required to book seat.

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "resText": "",
  "busList": [
      "amenities": {
        "ac": "",
        "sleeper": "yes",
        "pushback": "",
        "liveTrackingAvailable": "",
        "chargingPoint": ""
      "arrivalTime": "2021-08-19 08:40:00",
      "avlSeats": "28",
      "avlWindowsSeats": "",
      "busType": "NON A/C Sleeper (2+1)",
      "departureTime": "2021-08-18 22:35:00",
      "travelDuration": "10:05:00",
      "doj": "2021-08-18",
      "busName": "GreenLine Travels And Holidays",
      "fares": [
      "busId": "198395",
      "boardingPoints": [
          "bpId": "18361115",
          "bpName": "Bhel",
          "bpTime": "2021-08-18 21:00:00",
          "bpAddress": "Opp Kaveri Hotel ",
          "contactNumber": "9394760884"
      "droppingPoints": [
          "dpId": "17954462",
          "dpName": "Others",
          "dpTime": "2021-08-19 06:30:00",
          "dpAddress": "Chikkaballapur",
          "contactNumber": "9394760884"
      "cancellationPolicy": "0:24:100:0;24:48:20:0;48:168:15:0;168:-1:10:0",
      "partialCancellationAllowed": "false",
      "commission": "49.00"

              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/busList.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxx","sourceId":"1","destinationId":"10","journyDate":"2021-08-19"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/busList.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx","sourceId":"1","destinationId":"10","journyDate":"2021-08-19"}';
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/busList.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxx\",\"sourceId\":\"1\",\"destinationId\":\"10\",\"journyDate\":\"2021-08-19\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/busList.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxx\",\"sourceId\":\"1\",\"destinationId\":\"10\",\"journyDate\":\"2021-08-19\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Bus List

This API returns Seat Layout Of Bus



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
busId string RAW_BODY Required busId of bus , This value you will get from Bus List Api

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
isAvailable string Possible value of this is false/true
fare string fare value of seat .
name string Name of seat .
colums string Column number
busId string This value will be required to book seat.
row string Row number
width string Width of a seat, possible values are 1 or 2
zIndex string Index(0-lower,1-upper)
length string Length of a seat, possible values are 1 or 2
commission string Amount of commission you will get when ticket is booked
Seat Layout Example

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "resText": "",
  "busId": "198493",
  "seatLayout": [
      "isAvailable": "false",
      "fare": "1469",
      "name": "L1",
      "colums": "0",
      "row": "3",
      "width": "1",
      "zIndex": "0",
      "length": "2",
      "ladiesSeat": "true",
      "maleSeat": "",
      "commission": "69"

              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/seatLayout.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxx","sourceId":"1","destinationId":"10","journyDate":"2021-08-19"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/seatLayout.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx","sourceId":"1","destinationId":"10","journyDate":"2021-08-19"}';
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/seatLayout.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxx\",\"sourceId\":\"1\",\"destinationId\":\"10\",\"journyDate\":\"2021-08-19\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/seatLayout.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxx\",\"sourceId\":\"1\",\"destinationId\":\"10\",\"journyDate\":\"2021-08-19\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Bus List

This API will block seat for next 5 minute



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
busId string RAW_BODY Required busId of bus , This value you will get from Bus List Api
bpId string RAW_BODY Required Boarding point bpId value
dpId string RAW_BODY Required Dropping point dpId value
customerMobile string RAW_BODY Required 10 digit customer mobile number
passengerDetails array RAW_BODY Required Passenger details , Max 5 passenger allowed. For eg array("name"=>"Abc Kumar","seatName"=>"10U","age"=>"29","gender"=>"M")

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
bookingId string You will get booking id value when seat gets blocked.
dynamicFare string If its value is yes then you have to block ticket again as price for seat has been changed

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "data": {
    "bookingId": "611928f279224",
    "status": "BLOCKED",
    "dynamicFare": ""
  "resText": "Seat blocked"

              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/blockSeat.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","busId":"198590","bpId":"19511904","dpId":"19519575","passengerDetails":[{"name":"Abc Kumar","seatName":"10U","age":"29","gender":"M"}],"customerMobile":"9000000000"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/blockSeat.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","busId":"198590","bpId":"19511904","dpId":"19519575","passengerDetails":[{"name":"Abc Kumar","seatName":"10U","age":"29","gender":"M"}],"customerMobile":"9000000000"}';
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/blockSeat.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"busId\":\"198590\",\"bpId\":\"19511904\",\"dpId\":\"19519575\",\"passengerDetails\":[{\"name\":\"Abc Kumar\",\"seatName\":\"10U\",\"age\":\"29\",\"gender\":\"M\"}],\"customerMobile\":\"9000000000\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/bus/blockSeat.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"busId\":\"198590\",\"bpId\":\"19511904\",\"dpId\":\"19519575\",\"passengerDetails\":[{\"name\":\"Abc Kumar\",\"seatName\":\"10U\",\"age\":\"29\",\"gender\":\"M\"}],\"customerMobile\":\"9000000000\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Bus List

This API will book blocked ticket



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
bookingId string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from Block Bus Seat Api
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your service side tracking id which you need to pass every time unique . This data will help you with matching your transaction details with our server
operatorId string RAW_BODY Required 498

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED/PENDING

  "data": {
    "orderId": "7675132",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "mobile": "9000000000",
    "amount": "780",
    "transId": "",
    "error_code": "201",
    "service": "BUS",
    "bal": "95116.8400",
    "creditUsed": "742.8600",
    "resText": "",
    "gstMode": "",
    "tdsAmount": "1.86"

              curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","bookingId":"6129ec1490ff4","urid":"19511904","operatorId":"498"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","bookingId":"6129ec1490ff4","urid":"19511904","operatorId":"498"}';
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"bookingId\":\"6129ec1490ff4\",\"urid\":\"19511904\",\"operatorId\":\"498\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"bookingId\":\"6129ec1490ff4\",\"urid\":\"19511904\",\"operatorId\":\"498\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Product List API

This API returns List Of Branch Voucher Please save this data on your local database



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
productList string You will get product list details here.

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "productList": [
      "productId": "2",
      "name": "Hidesign E-Gift card",
      "category": "Accessories",
      "discount": "9",
      "marginType": "per",
      "description": "Whether one is looking for a classy laptop bag, a wallet, a belt or an elegant clutch, Hidesign is the best place to shop. Present a Hidesign e-Gift card today and instantly up a loved one’s style. It takes only a few minutes to gift your friend fashionable Hidesign accessories.",
      "tnc": "This E- Gift Card is valid at all exclusive Hidesign boutiques in India.
This E- Gift Card can be redeemed only once.
This E- Gift Card cannot be redeemed against an online purchase.
This Gift card/ E- Gift Card can be redeemed only at selected outlets.
This is a bearer card, please treat it like cash. No duplicate cards shall be reissued if lost, misplaced or stolen.
The E- Gift Card will be replaced under certain terms and conditions in case of damage.
This card cannot be exchanged for cash.
E- Gift Cards are normally delivered instantly. But sometimes due to system issues, the delivery can be delayed up-to 24 hours.
This E- Gift Card can be redeemed just once.
No returns and no refunds on gift cards, E- gift cards and gift vouchers shipped by service provider. Please check the refund policy at http://www.rechapi.com/giftVoucherFaq.php for further details.", "price": { "type": "RANGE", "minAmount": "100", "maxAmount": "15000", "denominations": [] } },

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/giftVoucher/productList.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/giftVoucher/productList.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/giftVoucher/productList.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/giftVoucher/productList.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Create Order For Gift Voucher




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your service side tracking id which you need to pass every time unique . This data will help you with matching your transaction details with our server
operatorId string RAW_BODY Required 528
productId string RAW_BODY Required You will get this value from product list api.
amount string RAW_BODY Required Pass transaction amount in this field like 10,20 etc.
pincode string RAW_BODY Required Receiver area pincode.
receiverFirstName string RAW_BODY Required Only aplha character are allowed.
receiverLastName string RAW_BODY Required Only aplha character are allowed.
senderFirstName string RAW_BODY Required Only aplha character are allowed.
receiverEmail string RAW_BODY Required Pass receiver email id
receiverMobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass 10 digit receiver mobile number
address string RAW_BODY Required Only aplha numeric character are allowed. Max 50 character allowed
landmark string RAW_BODY Required Only aplha numeric character are allowed. Max 50 character allowed
deliveryMode string RAW_BODY Required Possible values API or MAIL

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
orderId string This is our server side order id against your #urid value , Save this value for transaction status tracking.
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/PENDING/FAILED . In case if you don't get any value (Mainly because of timeout between your server and our server) then save your transaction as pending. Later use status check api to confirm your transaction status
mobile string This value come from #mobile value you have passed in api .
amount string This is the transaction amount.
transId string This is operator side transaction id.
error_code string You do not need to save this thing as it required when there is issue with api . This value is for our internal purpose only.
service string This is operator name .
bal string Your final balance after transaction . Please save this value if its greater than 0 only.
creditUsed string This is amount which was debited from your account.
resText string In case if you face any error you will get this value.
gstMode string This value you will get when your transaction status is SUCCESS.
tdsAmount string Amount of tds deducted from your commission. This will be paid to your PAN number
cardDetails string If transaction directly gets success you will get card details here

  "data": {
    "orderId": "23628xxxx",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "mobile": "xxxxx",
    "amount": "101",
    "transId": "111135145989",
    "beneficiaryName": "",
    "error_code": "201",
    "service": "Digital Gift Voucher",
    "bal": "173.4900",
    "creditUsed": "97.1500",
    "resText": "Transaction Successful",
    "gstMode": "NA",
    "tdsAmount": "0.19",
    "cardDetails": {
      "productName": "Bigbasket E-Gift Card",
      "cardNumber": "10043000xxxxxx",
      "pinNumber": "10xxxx",
      "expireDate": "2022-11-03",
      "activationUrl": "",
      "activationCode": "",
      "barcode": "",
      "amount": "101.00",
      "cardId": "xxxxxxxx"


                curl 'https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","operatorId":"528","urid":"106","productId":"15","amount":"101","pincode":"xxxxx","receiverFirstName":"Sandep","receiverLastName":"Kumar","receiverEmail":"xxxxxxx@gmail.com","receiverMobile":"xxxxxxxx","address":"Gurugram","landmark":"Udyog Vihar"}' \
                  $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","operatorId":"528","urid":"106","productId":"15","amount":"101","pincode":"xxxxx","receiverFirstName":"Sandep","receiverLastName":"Kumar","receiverEmail":"xxxxxxx@gmail.com","receiverMobile":"xxxxxxxx","address":"Gurugram","landmark":"Udyog Vihar"}';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"528\",\"urid\":\"106\",\"productId\":\"15\",\"amount\":\"101\",\"pincode\":\"xxxxx\",\"receiverFirstName\":\"Sandep\",\"receiverLastName\":\"Kumar\",\"receiverEmail\":\"xxxxxxx@gmail.com\",\"receiverMobile\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"address\":\"Gurugram\",\"landmark\":\"Udyog Vihar\"}";

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"operatorId\":\"528\",\"urid\":\"106\",\"productId\":\"15\",\"amount\":\"101\",\"pincode\":\"xxxxx\",\"receiverFirstName\":\"Sandep\",\"receiverLastName\":\"Kumar\",\"receiverEmail\":\"xxxxxxx@gmail.com\",\"receiverMobile\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"address\":\"Gurugram\",\"landmark\":\"Udyog Vihar\"}";

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Product List API

This API returns List Of Bbps Biller Please save this data on your local database , We have 19000+ biller in this api , You will need to call this api multiple times with pageNumber value



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
pageNumber string RAW_BODY Required Since we return only 1000 operator list in single hit , You will need to call this api multiple times with pageNumber value like 1 , 2, 3 etc .

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED
productList string You will get product list details here.

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "productList": [
      "bbpsId": "ABLP02000ANP01",
      "name": "Paramjyoti Academy",
      "category": "Education Fees",
      "requiredParamter": "Pass Admission No in 'mobile'"
      "bbpsId": "EDU008908KER01",
      "name": "The Oxford School",
      "category": "Education Fees",
      "requiredParamter": "Pass Student Unique ID in 'mobile' , Pass Mobile Number of Parent in 'opvalue1' , Pass DOB of Student(DDMMYYYY) in 'opvalue2' "
      "bbpsId": "EDU009642MAP01",
      "name": "Rukmani Academy",
      "category": "Education Fees",
      "requiredParamter": "Pass Student Unique ID in 'mobile' , Pass Mobile Number of Parent in 'opvalue1' , Pass DOB of Student(DDMMYYYY) in 'opvalue2' "
      "bbpsId": "AKSH00000TND5D",
      "name": "Akshara Vidyaashram",
      "category": "Education Fees",
      "requiredParamter": "Pass Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) in 'mobile' , Pass Mobile Number in 'opvalue1' "
      "bbpsId": "EDU008933KER01",
      "name": "Umeri English School",
      "category": "Education Fees",
      "requiredParamter": "Pass Student Unique ID in 'mobile' , Pass Mobile Number of Parent in 'opvalue1' , Pass DOB of Student(DDMMYYYY) in 'opvalue2' "

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/billPayment/serviceList.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/billPayment/serviceList.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://sandbox.rechapi.com/billPayment/serviceList.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://sandbox.rechapi.com/billPayment/serviceList.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Get Due Amount From Operator




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your service side tracking id which you need to pass every time unique . This data will help you with matching your transaction details with our server
bbpsId string RAW_BODY Required Pass bbpsId value of operator
customerMobile string RAW_BODY Required 10 digit customer mobile number
mobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass operator customer details as required
opvalue1 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.
opvalue2 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.
opvalue3 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.
opvalue4 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.
opvalue5 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
orderId string This is our server side order id against your #urid value , Save this value for transaction status tracking.
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/PENDING/FAILED . In case if you don't get any value (Mainly because of timeout between your server and our server) then save your transaction as pending. Later use status check api to confirm your transaction status
mobile string This value come from #mobile value you have passed in api .
amount string This is the transaction amount.
transId string This is operator side transaction id.
error_code string You do not need to save this thing as it required when there is issue with api . This value is for our internal purpose only.
service string This is operator name .
bal string Your final balance after transaction . Please save this value if its greater than 0 only.
creditUsed string This is amount which was debited from your account.
resText string In case if you face any error you will get this value.
gstMode string This value you will get when your transaction status is SUCCESS.
tdsAmount string Amount of tds deducted from your commission. This will be paid to your PAN number

  "data": {
    "orderId": "2437414453",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "mobile": "751720127xxx",
    "amount": "0",
    "transId": "",
    "error_code": "126",
    "service": "BBPS Electricity",
    "bal": "",
    "creditUsed": "0.0000",
    "resText": "Bill Successfully Fetched",
    "billData": {
      "billName": "Ramnath",
      "billAmount": "52115",
      "dueDate": "Mar 17, 2021",
      "billNumber": "20213751720127804",
      "billPeriod": "",
      "billAddress": ""
    "gstMode": "P2A"


                curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxx","urid":"22961","bbpsId":"UPPCL0000UTP02","customerMobile":"945509xxxx","opvalue1":"","mobile":"751720127xxx","amount":""}' \
                  $url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxx","urid":"22961","bbpsId":"UPPCL0000UTP02","customerMobile":"945509xxxx","opvalue1":"","mobile":"751720127xxx","amount":""}';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://prod.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\",\"urid\":\"22961\",\"bbpsId\":\"UPPCL0000UTP02\",\"customerMobile\":\"945509xxxx\",\"opvalue1\":\"\",\"mobile\":\"751720127xxx\",\"amount\":\"\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\",\"urid\":\"22961\",\"bbpsId\":\"UPPCL0000UTP02\",\"customerMobile\":\"945509xxxx\",\"opvalue1\":\"\",\"mobile\":\"751720127xxx\",\"amount\":\"\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Bill Payment




Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
urid string RAW_BODY Required This is your service side tracking id which you need to pass every time unique . This data will help you with matching your transaction details with our server
bbpsId string RAW_BODY Required Pass bbpsId value of operator
customerMobile string RAW_BODY Required 10 digit customer mobile number
mobile string RAW_BODY Required Pass operator customer details as required
amount string RAW_BODY Required Pass due amount
opvalue1 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.
opvalue2 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.
opvalue3 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.
opvalue4 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.
opvalue5 string RAW_BODY Required Optional value required by operator.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
orderId string This is our server side order id against your #urid value , Save this value for transaction status tracking.
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/PENDING/FAILED . In case if you don't get any value (Mainly because of timeout between your server and our server) then save your transaction as pending. Later use status check api to confirm your transaction status
mobile string This value come from #mobile value you have passed in api .
amount string This is the transaction amount.
transId string This is operator side transaction id.
error_code string You do not need to save this thing as it required when there is issue with api . This value is for our internal purpose only.
service string This is operator name .
bal string Your final balance after transaction . Please save this value if its greater than 0 only.
creditUsed string This is amount which was debited from your account.
resText string In case if you face any error you will get this value.
gstMode string This value you will get when your transaction status is SUCCESS.
tdsAmount string Amount of tds deducted from your commission. This will be paid to your PAN number

  "data": {
    "orderId": "2437402xxx",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "mobile": "1103610xxxxx",
    "amount": "224",
    "transId": "xxxxxxxx",
    "error_code": "201",
    "service": "BBPS Electricity",
    "bal": "10659.0700",
    "creditUsed": "224.0000",
    "resText": "Transaction Successful",
    "billData": {
      "billName": "Sadruddin",
      "billAmount": "224.00",
      "dueDate": "2022-01-25",
      "billNumber": "11036102709931",
      "billPeriod": "NA",
      "billAddress": ""
    "gstMode": ""


                curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/transaction.php' \

                -H 'accept: application/json' \
                -H 'content-type: application/json' \
                --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxx","urid":"22961","bbpsId":"UPPCL0000UTP02","customerMobile":"945509xxxx","opvalue1":"","mobile":"751720127xxx","amount":"224"}' \
                  $url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                  $curl = curl_init($url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

                  $headers = array(
                  "accept: application/json",
                  "content-type: application/json",
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

                  $data = '{"token":"xxxxxx","urid":"22961","bbpsId":"UPPCL0000UTP02","customerMobile":"945509xxxx","opvalue1":"","mobile":"751720127xxx","amount":"224"}';

                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

                  //for debug only!
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                  curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

                  $resp = curl_exec($curl);

                URL url = new URL("https://prod.rechapi.com/transaction.php");
                HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
                http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
                http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

                String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\",\"urid\":\"22961\",\"bbpsId\":\"UPPCL0000UTP02\",\"customerMobile\":\"945509xxxx\",\"opvalue1\":\"\",\"mobile\":\"751720127xxx\",\"amount\":\"224\"}" ;

                byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

                System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

                var url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/transaction.php";

                var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                httpRequest.Method = "POST";

                httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
                httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

                var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxx\",\"urid\":\"22961\",\"bbpsId\":\"UPPCL0000UTP02\",\"customerMobile\":\"945509xxxx\",\"opvalue1\":\"\",\"mobile\":\"751720127xxx\",\"amount\":\"224\"}" ;

                using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

                var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                  var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Send Otp

This API will be used to send otp to aadhaar linked mobile number



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
aadhaarNumber string RAW_BODY Required Customer aadhaar number.
aadhaarMobile string RAW_BODY Optional Customer aadhaar linked mobile number. If you pass this then we will match your given number with aadhaar linked number , If its matched then in verification api we will return mobileMatched=1
urid string RAW_BODY Optional Your system order id . Max length 20 character

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED .
sessionId string You will this unique value after each api called.
pointUsed string This is point debited from your account.

              {"status":"SUCCESS","sessionId":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx","resText":"Otp Successfully sent","resCode":"200","pointUsed":"5"}

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/sendOtp.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxx","aadhaarNumber":"xxxxxxxx","aadhaarMobile":"xxxxxx","urid":"656452bb4eb19"}' \


            $url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/sendOtp.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/sendOtp.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"aadhaarNumber\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"aadhaarMobile\":\"xxxxxx\",\"urid\":\"656452bb4eb19\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/sendOtp.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"aadhaarNumber\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"aadhaarMobile\":\"xxxxxx\",\"urid\":\"656452bb4eb19\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Verify Otp

This API will be used to validate otp to aadhaar linked mobile number



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
aadhaarNumber string RAW_BODY Required Customer aadhaar number.
otp string RAW_BODY Required Otp.
aadhaarMobile string RAW_BODY Optional Customer aadhaar linked mobile number. If you pass this then we will match your given number with aadhaar linked number , If its matched then in verification api we will return mobileMatched=1
sessionId string RAW_BODY Optional Session id which you have received when used Send Otp api

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED .
data string Here you will get all details related to kyc.

              {"status":"SUCCESS","data":{"fullName":"Bhune xxxxxxxx","maskedAadhaar":"xxxxxxxx5537","dob":"1986-06-04","gender":"M","address":{"country":"India","district":"Korba","state":"Chhattisgarh","post":"Jamnipali","location":"xxxx","vtc":"Jamnipali","subdist":"Katghora","street":"BHariya Para","house":"xxxxxx","landmark":"Lata","pincode":"xxxxxx","careof":"S\/O Umesh Das Diwan"},"profilePic":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","mobileMatched":"1"},"resText":"SUCCESS","resCode":"200"}

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/verifyOtp.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxxxx","aadhaarNumber":"xxxxxxxx","aadhaarMobile":"xxxxxxx","otp":"533919","sessionId":"xxxxxxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/verifyOtp.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/verifyOtp.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\",\"aadhaarNumber\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"aadhaarMobile\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"otp\":\"533919\",\"sessionId\":\"xxxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/sendOtp.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\",\"aadhaarNumber\":\"xxxxxxxx\",\"aadhaarMobile\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"otp\":\"533919\",\"sessionId\":\"xxxxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();


Chech Pan Name

This API will be used to get pan name by pan number



Header Request

Accept : application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters
Following are the parameters to be sent in the request body:

Parameter Type Position # Description
token string RAW_BODY Required This value you will get from your api account and this value will be used in each single api. Please do not share this token with anyone.
pan string RAW_BODY Required Customer pan number.

Following are the parameters received in the response:

Parameter Type Description
status string Possible value of this is SUCCESS/FAILED .
panData string Here you will get pan data which will be available at time of fetch.
pointUsed string This is point debited from your account.

              {"status":"SUCCESS","panData":{"allotedDate":"2014-02-28","pan":"xxxxxxx","firstName":"HALEBELAGOLA","middleName":"SOMEGOWDA","surName":"PRAVEENAKUMAR","fatherFirstName":"","fatherMiddleName":"","fatherSurname":"SOMEGOWDA","gender":"Male","category":"Individual Applicant"},"resText":"Pan Data Found"}

              curl 'https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/checkPan.php' \

              -H 'accept: application/json' \
              -H 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data-raw '{"token":"xxxxxxxxxx","pan":"xxxxxxxxx"}' \


            $url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/checkPan.php";

            $curl = curl_init($url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

            $headers = array(
            "accept: application/json",
            "content-type: application/json",
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

            $data = '{"token":"xxxxx"}';

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            //for debug only!
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

            $resp = curl_exec($curl);


            URL url = new URL("https://prod.rechapi.com/utility/checkPan.php");
            HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
            http.setRequestProperty("accept", "application/json");
            http.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

            String data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\",\"pan\":\"xxxxxxxxx\"}";

            byte[] out = data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

            OutputStream stream = http.getOutputStream();

            System.out.println(http.getResponseCode() + " " + http.getResponseMessage());

            var url = "https://prod.rechapi.com/aadhaarKyc/sendOtp.php";

            var httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpRequest.Method = "POST";

            httpRequest.Headers["accept"] = "application/json";
            httpRequest.Headers["content-type"] = "application/json";

            var data = "{\"token\":\"xxxxxxxxxx\",\"pan\":\"xxxxxxxxx\"}";

            using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse();
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
              var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
